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#12 A Review: Traditional and Contemporary in Art and Education Summary of the Scientific Meeting

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UDC: 008+37]:005.745(497.115)"2015"(049.32)
COBISS.SR-ID 229892108

Received: November 12,2016
Accepted: December 20,2016

#12 A Review: Traditional and Contemporary in Art and Education Summary of the Scientific Meeting

Saša BožidarevićUniversity of Pristine, Faculty of Arts Kosovska Mitrovica[email protected]

Citation: Božidarčević, Saša. 2017. "A Review: Traditional and Contemporary Art and Education. Summary of the Scientific Meeting." Accelerando: Belgrade Journal of Music and Dance 2:12

Scientific Meeting in Kosovska Mitrovica

The first international scientific conference titled Traditional and Contemporary in Art and Education was held from 4th to 6th November 2016, at the University of Arts in Kosovska Mitrovica. Starting points which were guiding points for the organizers of this conference were affirmation of traditional values ​​and modern methods in arts and education and finding innovative solutions to their practical application in the teaching process. The initial impulses and ideas in setting up the basic ideological orientation and formulating goals which came from professors of the University of Arts in Kosovska Mitrovica, were supported not only by eminent experts from related institutions of higher education in the country, but also abroad.

The initiators and creators of this event are professors from the Department of General Music Pedagogy at Music department: Jasmina Novokmet (dean for Academic Affairs at the time), Dragana Cicović Sarajlic and Sasa Božidarević. With respect to all colleagues who helped shape the program concept, we will mention only some of the members of the Program Committee: PhD Alkis Raftis, President of the International Dance Council at UNESCO, PhD Natalia Sokovikova, a member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts Petrovskaja, Russia, PhD Menelaos Meletzis, professor of Technology and Educational Institute of Athens, PhD Anna Galikowski Gajewska, associate professor of the Music Academy Stanislav Monjuško in Gdansk, Poland, PhD Eleni Mouri, associate professor at Technology and Educational Institute of Athens, Greece, PhD Igor Štiks, researchers at the College of Arts of the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, PhD Sonja Marinkovic, PhD Miloje Nikolic, PhD Vesna Mikic, full professors of the College of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade, PhD Srdjan Markovic, professor of the College of Arts, University of Nis, PhD Bogdan Djakovic, full professor of the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad and others.

Building the program concept of this scientific meeting in equal measure was supported by other members of the Program Committee: MSc Zoran Furunović, full professor, dean of the College of Arts in Kosovoska Mitrovica - Zvecan, President of the Program Committee, PhD Nebojša Todorović, full professor at the College of Arts, University of Nis, PhD Saša Božidarević, full professor of the College of Arts of the University in Pristina with temporary seat in Kosovska Mitrovica, PhD Dragana Cicović Sarajlic, associate professor of the College of Arts of the University in Pristina with temporary seat in Kosovska Mitrovica, PhD Biljana Pavlovic, an associate professor at the Teacher Training College in Prizren - Leposavic, University of Prishtina with temporary headquarters in Kosovska Mitrovica, PhD Sanda Dodik, associate professor of the Academy of Arts of the University of Banja Luka, Serbian Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, PhD Sonja Cvetković, associate professor of the College of Arts, University of Nis, PhD Dragan Vojvodić, associate professor of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, PhD Dragan Bulatovic, associate professor of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, PhD Mirjana Zakić, associate professor of the College of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade, PhD Biljana Mandic, assistant professor of the Music Academy of the University of East Sarajevo, Serbian Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, MSc Milorad Marinkovic, assistant Professor of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac, MSc Aleksandra Dončeva, Institute for Graphic Design in Milan, Italy.

Photo by Igor Miljković

Photo by Igor Miljković

A great effort to create the conditions for a successful and solid performance of the scientific meeting and its accompanying programmes have invested members of the Organizing Committee, teachers, professional associates and assistants of the College of Arts of the University of Pristina with temporary seat in Kosovska Mitrovica: MSc Zoran Furunović, full professor, dean of this institution, Aleksandra Trajkovic, associate professor, vice-dean of the Music section, President of the Organizing Committee, MSc Andrijana Videnović, full professor, vice-dean of the Drama section, MSc Ester Milentijević, vice dean for education of Visual Art department, MSc Petar Đuza, full professor, PhD Vera Obradovic, full professor, PhD Saša Božidarević, full professor, PhD Dragana Cicović Sarajlić, associate professor, PhD Aleksandra Arvanitidis, assistant professor, PhD Branka Gugolj, assistant professor, PhD Velimir Karavelić, assistant professor, Veselinka Bralović, assistant professor, PhD Jelena Arnautović, associate professor, PhD Petar Ilic, senior associate, PhD Jelena Pavlicic, assistant. Besides these members of the Organizing Committee many important activities for the preparation of this meeting were also conducted by members of our staff from all departments, non-teaching staff and supporting staff.

We owe them all our gratitude for the successful organization. Thus, the ambitious project of the creators and organizers of this event to bring together a large number of renowned researchers in the field of science of the arts, had its practical realization. The event was attended by 93 participants (including members of the Programme Committee) from 12 European countries: Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (Serbian Republic), Russia, Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Belgium, Greece and Hungary, whereas 88 participants presented their papers. By the number of participants and the countries they come from this is the largest scientific meeting organized at the University of Pristina since the time of its dislocation to Kosovska Mitrovica. Its realization was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, the University of Pristina with temporary seat in Kosovska Mitrovica, College of Economics in Pristina with temporary seat in Kosovska Mitrovica. Ceremonial and working part of this meeting were accompanied by the media sponsors of Radio Belgrade, and Television Most from Zvecan. Logistical support of the scientific meeting was provided by the travel agency Joe Travel and Hotel Sasha from Kosovska Mitrovica.

Opening ceremony of the scientific meeting

Welcome part for the participants and guests of the scientific meeting, in a short introductory speech, was performed by MSc Andrijana Videnović, vice-dean of the College of Dramatic Arts section in Kosovska Mitrovica – Zvecan, followed by speeches of the officials. The Scientific Conference was opened by PhD Srecko Milačić, rector of the University in Pristina with temporary seat in Kosovska Mitrovica. After the welcoming speech addressed to the guests and participants of the meeting, professor Milačič in his opening words stressed the importance of this conference in the context of a comprehensive scientific and artistic mission of the University in Kosovska Mitrovica and the College of Arts as an integral part. Welcoming words and short words of the President of the Program Committee, dean of the College of Arts, MSc Zoran Furunovic and President of the Organizing Committee, vice-dean for education MSc Aleksandra Trajkovic, further emphasised the importance of this event for the promotion and development of scientific, artistic and educational activities within the home institution and its affirmation in the community of related higher education institutions in the country and abroad. Expressed satisfaction with the program principles and objectives projected by the host and faith in its effectiveness and achieving high scientific range was preceded by the working part of this meeting.

Thematic areas and sub-areas

Papers of the participants (total of 88) have been incorporated into the given thematic areas and sub-areas:

  1. The cultural and artistic heritage of Kosovo and Metohija: Preserving the tradition and national identity in Kosovo and Metohija; Arts and Education in Kosovo and Metohija from the Middle Ages to the present day; Medieval Monuments in Kosovo – Problems and Challenges; Traditional and spiritual songs from Kosovo and Metohija – models of conservation
  2. Traditional and contemporary approaches to art education and upbringing: Conception of modern teaching methodology of art education; Contemporary art and teaching methodology of art education; The importance of art education in preschools, primary and secondary schools; The role of tradition in designing the teaching process
  3. Art as a space of memory: the re-creation / interpretation / recycling tradition in contemporary art; Position of the artist in contemporary society; Traditional techniques in the new artistic practice; A new approach to the preservation of heritage; Museums as places of remembrance; Heritage and new media; The role of film in the creation of memory space; Heritage and popular culture
  4. Traditional and modern in artistic dance: Education for contemporary dance; Modern dance and theory of gender; Gender, body, dance; Dance as a space of expression of women; The ritual in contemporary theatre of movements; Choreographic imagination, Composition and dance techniques; Linking national dances in the ballet heritage in the former Yugoslav territory.

mporary dance; Modern dance and theory of gender; Gender, body, dance; Dance as a space of expression of women; The ritual in contemporary theatre of movements; Choreographic imagination, Composition and dance techniques; Linking national dances in the ballet heritage in the former Yugoslav territory.


The working part of the scientific meeting began with plenary presentations. The session was opened by PhD Sonja Marinkovic, musicologist, full professor at the College of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade. After expressing great satisfaction for participation at the scientific conference and the honour to open the working part, Professor Marinkovic pointed to the necessity of systematic and coherent study of compositional opuses of authors who created on territory of Kosovo and Metohia. In the context of quoted aspirations and commitment to the more significant musicological and theoretical and analytical work in this field she presented the thesis titled Folklore as inspiration of Redža Mulić in the Second Symphony "Kosovo". Pointing to the folklore inspiration in his key work, the Second Symphony, Sonja Marinkovic emphasises exceptional gift of the composer in the processing of folklore, rich timbres that arise as a result of compositional skills and the application of the late romantic style of harmonic language and orchestration.

Special attention on plenary session attracted the presentation of musicologist PhD Nebojsa Todorovic, full professor of the College of Arts, University of Nis, titled Pedagogical contribution of professor Marko Savic to the development of pianism in Kosovo and Metohija. The reason for this is the longtime activity of this distinguished, not so long ago deceased, professor of the College of Arts in Pristina, with whom many of the current teachers of this College had the honour and opportunity to cooperate. In the context of the rich piano and special pedagogical activities of Marko Savic, which is important for the whole Yugoslav territory, Nebojša Todorović pointed out the pioneering activity of this artist in creating the fundamentals for the development of pianism and piano pedagogy in Kosovo and Metohija.

In conclusion of the plenary session PhD Angelina Milosavljević Ault, the College of Media and Communications, University Singidunum in Belgrade, presented her thesis titled 'Starinarenje' as heritology discipline. Between the pulse and the concept. Dealing with the old methods of keeping items that have not been worth being stored in museums, the author specifically referred to their role as illustrations and the evidence of aspects of life of wider or narrower community, with simultaneous highlighting of their function in the process of conservation and protection of heritage.

Thematic sessions

The largest number of participants of the scientific meeting presented their work at sessions, which were grouped into three thematic areas: Cultural and Artistic Heritage of Kosovo and Metohija, Art as a Memory Space and Traditional and Contemporary Approaches to Artistic Education and Upbringing.

Cultural and Artistic Heritage of Kosovo and Metohija

Within the first thematic area many questions focused on the heritage of Kosovo and Metohija were problematized. Theses created by scientists of different professional competence and professional commitments have invaded a number of different problems concerning the relationship between cultural and artistic heritage of the area. The work of ethnomusicologist Mirjana Zakić Models of preserving traditional songs from Kosovo and Metohija, defines the existing musical practice in this field and points out the models of preserving traditional songs, while ethnomusicologist Sanja Rankovic in her study Traditional music as part of the cultural identity of Serbs in Sredačka parish within Lazarica ceremony and celebration of Easter, discusses music practice of Serbian population in Sredačka parish before and during Easter as a specific cultural characteristic of this part of Kosovo and Metohija.

A special interest of researchers in the context of this thematic area is focused on the issues of preserving monumental and architectural heritage (Branka Gugolj, Danijela Tesic Radanović: Work of the architect Đurđe Bošković on the preservation of the monumental heritage of Kosovo and Metohija, Zoran Katanic: Sacred and profane Serbian medieval architectural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija as a respectable tourist offer content), then the possibility of incorporating segments of the cultural heritage of Kosovo and Metohija in the teaching process (Andrija Kadic: Problems of interpretation of the cultural heritage of Kosovo and Metohija in the teaching process), as well as modern, often destructive and anti-cultural attitude towards urban space on the example of a Kosovo-Metohija town (Marija Randjelovic: Aspects of identity of polarized urban space: the case of Kosovska Mitrovica).

Within the first thematic areas the topics of the Serbian language and literature were treated as well, from those that explore the poetics and poetic expression (Aleksandra Kostić Tmušić: Poetic elements in the hagiography of St. Peter Koriski) through those with semantic connotation (Valentina Pitulić: Semantics of plants in folk literature of the Serbs from Kosovo), followed by a critical attitude toward the preservation of the Serbian language in multicultural environments (Reljić Mitra, Branislav Dilparić: The discrepancy between declarative and real concern for the Serbian language in the case of ergonomics of northern Kosovska Mitrovica), to those in which is interfered with the realm of aesthetics and the relationship between tradition and modernism (Nenad Kebara: Spiritual aesthetics of Sinisa Kodrič – between tradition and modernism).

Art as a memory space

Widely conceived and exceptionally versatile thematic area, opened up the possibility for participation of a large number of exhibitors of different profiles and professional orientations: philosophers, art historians, sociologists, ethnologists, philologists, art critics, dramaturges, choreographers, multimedia and interdisciplinary researchers, musicologists, music theorists etc. The first group of researchers was concerned with the problems of institutionalized (museum) heritage. Within this area many issues were raised such as contemporary inheritance of cultural and artistic resources in the processes of everyday life, privacy and ordinariness (PhD Dragan Bulatović, Museology as a hermeneutical circle), origin and heritage of ideas and properties museality (Milan Popadic, Museality - origin and heritage of one idea), relationship between the community and museums from the recent Serbian and Yugoslav history during and after the abolition of the socialist government (Angelina Banković, From the place of remembrance to the place of oblivion - Museum of 4th July 1941 and the Museum of illegal partisan printing house in Belgrade), importance of museum exhibits as a stylistic and historical testimonies and the mechanism of memory and preservation of memory (Ana Radovac Živanov, A guardian of memories - the house of Jevrem Grujic – Museum of Serbian history, diplomacy, art and avant-garde), penetration of new media and art practices in museums today (Aleksandra Arvanitidis, Museum at the time of digital art practices, Dragana Martinovic, The role of new media in museums today, Stefana Manić, Protection of immovable cultural heritage - the application of digital technologies, Ana Knežević, Cyber ​​Museum - view from the other side of the screen) and others.

Photo by Igor Miljković

Photo by Igor Miljković

Thematic area "Art as memory space" has generated and initiated researching in the field of music, film and visual arts. The musicological and theoretical and analytical works in the field of music emphasise the prominent role of tradition (heritage) in the creation of creative concepts of Serbian (Yugoslav) composers (Saša Božidarević, Mokranjac’s heritage in the works of composers of handful provenance in the second half of the twentieth century - from reaffirmation to negation of the traditional model of stanzas; Vesna Damljanović, Analysis of piano style in the second Kosovo Symphony by Redža Mulić), pointed to the ways of realization of segments of Serbian medieval heritage in the works of composers of contemporary music (Aleksandar Damjanovic, Recreating / interpretation / recycling / Serbian medieval heritage in contemporary music) examined the relationship between traditional and popular culture (Jelena Arnautović, Traditional and popular culture at the music festival Guča) assessed the impact of modern knowledge in popular music (Vesna Mikić, Production of modern knowledge in popular music – Eurovision song Contest) and similar. The equivalent set of questions was processed in other areas of artistic expression (visual arts and filmmaking, contemporary dance etc.) with a strong foothold in the tradition being a source of artistic inspiration (Zdravko Ranisavljević, Choreographic interpretation of the dance heritage of Kosovo and Metohija – The case of the Ensemble of folk dances and songs of Kosovo i Metohija "Crown", Andrijana Danilovic, Re-contextualization of tradition – Mosaic and street art), but also other issues were discussed (ideological, ethical, aesthetic, etc.) arising from the complex study of forms of modern dance, stage movement, choreology and choreography (Natalija Sokovikova, Dancing great Slavic gods – the phenomenon of the ethnic identities of Slavic Rus. The Phoenix effect; Vera Obradović, Choreodramatic and choreographic creativity of Mat Eko, Vera Obradović and Svenka Savić, Choreodrama: Gender, dance, ideology, Anna Galikowski Gajewska, Polish music and movement interpretations created according to the Dalcroze method).

Traditional and Contemporary Approaches to Artistic Education and Upbringing

Within the sessions in which the issues in this thematic area were discussed, numerous and significant aspects of educational and upbringing process in the field of art were problematized, too. Works of this type include in all levels of institutional upbringing and education from preschool (Jasmina Stolić, and Sanja Vojnov, Application of art music in the preschool age – from tradition to innovation), primary school (Marija Aleksandrović, Influence of tradition of creativity in the artistic expression of children in the first grade of primary school), high school (Joseph Alviž, Position of secondary school subject Visual arts within the artistic area of the educational system of the Republic of Croatia, Petar Ilic, Possibilities for realization of the goals of modern teaching programme for students of piano music school using the textbook written by Danica Krstić, 'School for piano') to higher education (Dragana Cicović Sarajlić, and Biljana Pavlovic, Higher education-pedagogical education in Kosovo and Metohija - tradition lasting four decades 1975/1976 - 2015/2016).

Music educators are studying the possibilities of applying folk and traditional songs in teaching solfeggio (Veselinka Bralović, The possibility of applying the Kosovo folk songs in teaching solfeggio; Slobodan Kodela, Traditional song in textbook literature for solfeggio classes in secondary music schools), as well as using folk songs and dances at Music lessons in primary schools (Trakilović Jelena Milicevic, and Desanka Trakilović, The effects of applying folk songs and dances in teaching). In some of the works, a special emphasis was put on fostering and preservation of Serbian cultural and national identity (Biljana Pavlovic, Dragan Cicović Sarajlić, and Anđelka Kovač, Nurturing and preservation of Serbian cultural and national identities in primary school teaching Music culture in Kosovo and Metohija) or the development of school music pedagogy (Sonja Cvetković, Development of music pedagogy and education in Nis until the beginning of World War II).

A significant number of theses in this scientific conference was dedicated to the problems of education in the arts (especially visual art and history of art) where modern methodological concepts are applied (Sanja Filipovic, Art education corresponding contemporary methodological conceptions), the study of innovative models for the design of teaching process (Marija Stankovic, The teaching process of art history as a process of knowledge formation - artistic principles of Christo and Jean-Claude as a model for the design of the teaching process; Iva Subotić Krasojević, Quest for the teaching method in art education; Jelena Pavlicic, Art in teaching art history –an example of the exercise 'New images of old masters') difficulties in achieving educational goals (Dragan Bulatović, Formation in educational amporia), the importance of art education for the formation of personality and demystification forms of non-verbal, formal communication (Jadranka Bozic, Art as a synergy of mind, body and spirit - the importance of music education in formation of personality) and others. In the absence of the detailed elaboration we emphasize their significant contribution to the development of scientific thought and making new paths in the Science of arts.

Accompanying programmes of the scientific meeting

Accompanying conference programmes are designed as a summary of the artistic activities at the College of Arts in Kosovska Mitrovica – Zvecan and activities that teachers, staff and students of the College carry out through promotion of culture and arts of Kosovo and Metohija as well as tradition of this area.The programmes were presented during two days at the end of working sessions. On the first day ethnomusicologists PhD Mirjana Zakić and PhD Sanja Rankovic presented scientifically and analytically processed results of extensive field research of music and dance heritage on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija.

After a very successful verbal and audiovisual presentation (in Serbian and English), we watched vocal and instrumental performers (amateurs) from Kosovo and Metohija, collaborators in the research of previously mentioned ethnomusicologists and also the members of the Ensemble of folk dances and songs of Kosovo and Metohija called "Venac" (Wreath).

On the second day, the participants and guests of the scientific meeting attended the opening of the exhibition titled "Ornament", authored by students and professors of the Visual Art Department at the College in Kosovska Mitrovica. About the work on the preparation of this exhibition, the initial motives of its creation, artistic achievements and links with tradition spoke MSc Milentijević Ester, vice dean for education at Visual Art department and Suzana Vuckovic, associate professor, and the exhibition was officially opened by MSc. Petar Đuza, full professor at the College of Arts, Kosovska Mitrovica. That same evening, after the opening of the exhibition, Borjanka Ljumović spoke about the song “Dečanska bells“ or “The feast of the heart“, written by the most famous poet of Kosovo and Metohija Darinka Jevric. The artistic program of the scientific meeting ended with a concert performed by the professors of Music department who played the music of Serbian composers. Longlasting applause which followed after each performance was the best indicator of the performers artistic skills and quality.

Photo by Igor Miljković

Photo by Igor Miljković


Rich and varied presentations by the participants of this international meeting were summarized by the moderators at the closing session. The session was chaired by PhD Saša Božidarević, full professor at the College of Arts of the University in Kosovska Mitrovica.

Moderators primarily noted high achievements which this event reached at the area primarily aimed and especially praised its impeccable preparation and organization. They also presented some suggestions for future activities, with a sincere desire for this meeting to become traditional. Thanking to the moderators and participants for their great contribution to the successful realization of this conference, professor Saša Božidarević in his closing speech expressed hope that the achieved results and gained new experiences would affect the opening of a new chapter in the development of scientific thought at the University of Kosovoska Mitrovica and contribute to its significant international recognition.

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