Publishing Ethics
Accelerando: Belgrade Journal of Music and Dance requires the authors to accept:
- Ethical guidelines for authors
- To agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License ("Public License")
- Author retains copyright under CC Licence.
Ethical Guidelines for Authors
All authors submitting to Accelerando: Belgrade Journal of Music and Dance are expecting to:
- submit only original manuscripts
- avoid plagiarizing any other published work
- ensure all named co-authors consent to publication
- name as co-authors all persons who have made significant contributions to the work
- submit the written permission from the copyright holder to reuse the previously published work if the authors want their articles published in another publication to publish on-line in Accelerando: BJMD.
- declare any potential conflict of interest, be it professional or financial, which could be held to arise with respect to the article
- disclose all sources of funding for research reported in the paper
- provide a list of suitable reviewers with the appropriate experience if they are asked to suggest some.
Ethical Responsibility Of Reviewers
Accelerando: BJMD requires the reviewers to provide confidentiality, constructive critique, competence, impartiality and integrity, and accept ethical responsibility toward authors, editors and readers. They are obliged to:
- provide the fairness on judgment
- provide an expertise in the field
- provide a thoughtful, fair, constructive and informative critique of the submitted work
- provide written, unbiased feedback in a timely manner on the scholarly merits and the scientific value of the work
- indicate whether the writing is clear, concise, original
- indicate ways to improve the work
- indicate if the paper is of relevance to the journal's scope and mission , and of interest to the journal's readers
- rate the manuscript's composition and scientific accuracy
- avoid personal comments and criticism
- notify editor if unable to do reviewing in a timely manner in which case they have to provide the names of potential other reviewers
- alert the editor about any potential personal or financial conflict of interest and decline to review when a possibility of a conflict exists
- ensuring that the article cites all relevant work by other scientists
- recommend acceptance or rejection of the paper using rating scale in the form emailed by editor
Publishing polices
- Accelerando: BJMD is open-access, e-journal that is open to public.
- Accelerando: BJMD do not chargs fees or any kind of payment to authors.
- Full text of Accelerando: BJMD are free of charge.
- Accelerando: BJMD is supported by Belgade Center of Music and Dance, Serbia, and will accept donations from other supportive organizations in the field of Art and Science for the purpose of qualitative e-publishing and website maintaince.