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About Journal


Accelerando: Belgrade Journal of Music and Dance (Accelerando: BJMD) ISSN: 2466-3913 (Online) is an annual electronic, open access, double-blind-peer-reviewed, international scholarly journal, with the aim to provide high quality scholarly information for students, researchers, professionals in various fields of dance, music, and performing arts. Publisher is Belgrade Center for Music and Dance from Belgrade, Serbia.


  • Our Journal is conceived for publishing high-quality, original academic articles and research reports.
  • Developing academic collaboration between scholars
  • Introducing traditional qualities of any nation
  • Introducing modern and contemporary tendencies in Music and Dance
  • Introducing qualitative approaches in Music and/or Dance education


  • Education in Music and Dance
  • Music and Dance tradition and cultural heritage
  • Modern and Contemporary tendencies in Music and Dance


  • Publications are published in electronic format
  • Accelerando: BJMD is published in February.
  • Submission deadline is the end of November
  • The deadline could be prolonged upon the request of the author
  • There is no processing and no publishing fees
  • The journal is Open Access and under CC-BY-NC-ND license

Indexing and Archiving

Accelerando: BJMD is indexed in: DOAJ, RILM (Core Journal), WorldCat, ULRICH, National Library of Serbia, Erih PLUS, and other. Also, our journal has its own archive.



Authors keep the copyright of their articles.

With best Regards,
[email protected]