Editorial Board
Editor in Chief
Marijan Maja, M. Sc. (Serbia), President and Art Director of the Belgrade Center for Music and Dance. A member of CID-UNESCO 2016 ([email protected]).
Prnjat Aleksandar, PhD (Serbia), Professor of Philosophy of Arts, Ethics, Cultural Studies, Political Theory, Business Ethics, Ethics in Sport at Alfa BK University, Belgrade; Vice Rector for International Affairs, Alfa BK University, Belgrade; Member of the Scientific comitee, Aracne editrice, Italy ([email protected]; [email protected]).
Managing Editors
Liang Deng, DMA (China), Music Department, Faculty of Arts, Southwest Minzu University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China ([email protected]).
Peters Joseph, Dr. (Singapore), Integrated Music Education Specialist, Mahasarakham University; Consultant Musicologist, Sonic Asia Singapore; ICTM Singapore Liaison Officer; Founding Musical Director, Singapore Tremolo Strings and National University of Singapore Rondalla, ([email protected]).
Dr. Abiodun Femi (Nigeria), Editor-in-Chief, WAJMAE Obafemi Awolowo University, Graduate Programs Department of Music, Ile-Ife, Nigeria ([email protected])
Dr. Buksikova Olga B. (Russia), Belgorod State University, Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Humanities, head of the department of theory and methodology of choreography, producing, dramatics and choreography; A member of CID-UNESCO ([email protected])
PhD D'Amico Leonardo (Italy), Conservatorio di Musica "Lucio Campiani," Dept. of Ethnomusicology, Mantova, Italy; Yunnan University, College of Arts and Design, Kunming, Yunnan Prov. P. R. China; Director of Flog Center for Folk Traditions, Florence, Italy ([email protected])
Dr. Delorko Ratko (Germany), Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Klavier, University of Frankfurt ([email protected])
PhD Galikowska Gajewska Anna (Poland), Stanislaw Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdansk, Poland ([email protected])
PhD Kosik Viktor Ivanovič (Russia), Russian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Institute for Slavic Research, Moscow ([email protected])
PhD Markovic Vedrana (Montenegro), University of Montenegro, School of Music, Cetinje, Department for music theory and solfeggio ([email protected])
Ph.D. Mosusova Nadezda (Serbia), musicologist and composer/honorary member, Scientific advisor of the Musicological institute SANU (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts);Professor of music history at the Belgrade Faculty of Music (now in retirement); Member of the Executive Board of International Council of Dance (CID-UNESCO); Coordinator of the Project Contemporary Serbian musical scene of SANU; Former member of the Jury for Monaco Nijinsky Dance Award in Monte Carlo
Dra. Muntanyola-Saura Dafne (Spain), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Departament de sociologia, Barcelonaa ([email protected])
Dr. Palmer Fatimah M. (Nigeria), University of Benin, Department of Fine and Applied Arts, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. ([email protected])
DMA Quick Matthew Glenn (China), Piano Department, Sichuan Conservatory of Music, China ([email protected])
Dr. Rana Sayeem (Bangladesh), Assistant Professor, Department of Music, Faculty of Arts, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh. Liaison officer, International Council for Traditional Music ICTM. ([email protected])
Dr. Silkin Petr (Russia), Assistant Professor,Vaganova Academy, Department of Choreography, St Petersburg, Russia
PhD Sokovikova Natalia Viktorovna (Russia), Siberian Independent Institute , Department of Psychology, Novosibirsk, Siberia, Russia; Leading researcher of Russian Academy of Education, PASA, Moscow; Russian Centre of Science and Culture at the Russian Consulate in Alexandria, Egypt. A member of CID-UNESCO ([email protected])
PhD Talam Jasmina (Bosnia and Herzegovina), University of Sarajevo, Academy of Music, Head of Institute for Musicology ([email protected])
PhD Zajedova Iivi (Estonia), Lecturer of IR, Department of Social Sciences, Institute of History, Head of BS Programme, Department of Applied Creativity, Institute of Fine Arts, Tallinn University; Visiting Lecturer, Department of PS, IR, Erasmus Study, Charles University, Prague; Recipient of White Star Order of Estonian Republic ([email protected])
Advisory Board
Bayona Tanya (Malta), dancer, artistic consultant, Director of the T. B. Poutinatine Academy of Ballet, Malta. Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD) examination board member, London; Recipient of Enrico Cecchetti Gold Medal Award at the Royal Ballet School, Covent Garden, London, in July 6, 2009. UNESCO Maltese National Commission Board member
Gahl Elizabeth (USA/France), Master of Arts, ballet dancer, pedagogue, choreographer. American University of Paris, Paris, France.
Lock Gerhard Bruno Erich (Estonia), Lecturer/PhD candidate of Musicology at BFM – Baltic Film, Media, Arts and Communication School of Tallinn University, Estonia
Marijan Miloš (Serbia), ballet dancer, National Theater, Belgrade, Serbia; Recipient of "Radomir Vucic" Award 2012, First recipient of "Natasa Boskovic" Award, 2012 for the best classical interpretation, Dimitrije Parlic Award, Vice-President and Artistic consultant at BCMD, Belgrade
Shuang Cai (China), Master of Arts, Piano Department, Sichuan Conservatory of Music, China
Academic Advisors
Askovic Dragan PhD (Serbia), University of Belgrade, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Serbia
Bogunovic Blanka PhD (Serbia), University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Music, Serbia
Bralovic Veselinka (Kosovska Mitrovica), University of Pristine, Faculty of Arts, Kosovo
Dubljevic Jelena PhD (Serbia), University of Arts, Serbia
Markovic Marina PhD (Serbia), University of Arts, Academy of Dramatic Arts, Serbia
Uric Nenad MSc (Serbia), Institute for history, SANU (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts), Serbia
Zdravkovic Milovan PhD (Serbia), Belgrade Academy of Arts, Guest professor at the Accademia del Lusso, Milan, Italy, Director of Marketing, Director of Production, Principal Consultant, and a Producer for foreign touring theatrical performances at the Belgrade National Theater, Serbia.