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call for papers

Call for Papers

It is a pleasure to invite you to contribute your manuscript to Accelerando:Belgrade Journal of Music and Dance, eISSN: 2466-3913. It is a double-blind peer reviewed, Open Access, Scholarly Journal, conceived for publishing high-quality, original academic manuscripts, reviews, and bibliographical surveys in various fields of music and dance, traditional, contemporary, and arts education.

Accelerando: BJMD is aimed at providing scholarly information, visual and audio materials for students, researchers, lecturers and professionals. In addition, we encourage interdisciplinary connections in which researchers in various domains can apply their own skills and knowledge. Journal welcomes contributions from both young and established scholars.



  • The submitted paper must not be published before or be under submission at any other journal at a time.
  • Submission of proposal with title, author's affiliations, abstract (up to 250 words), keywords in English language and the main text (with or without assets, i.e. tables, images, video or/and audio material).
  • Authors are usually informed within two weeks by the decision email if the paper is not being considered or has to be revised and resubmitted.
  • We encourage the paper submission in English, but submissions in other major European languages will be considered equally.

Submission Policy

Initial Submission

Authors submit their manuscripts through Contact Form. Upon submission, the authors will be e-mailed that their manuscripts are received.

Processing of Submitted Manuscripts

All submitted manuscripts will be processed through preliminary English language check. Manuscripts written in English language will be examined in their entirety. The manuscripts having poor grammar or English language will be given back to the authors within two weeks of receipt for re-submission.

Acception and Re-Submission

Within a month the author will be emailed if the manuscript is accepted, rejected or has to be revised. Authors who receive a decision of Minor Revision or Major Revision have 20 days to resubmit the revised manuscript. The revised manuscript will be re-assigned to the reviewers. The refereeing procedures are to be done again, and in less than two weeks the author will be emailed the final decision.

If accepted (or accepted after re-submission), the manuscript will enter the double blind peer review process, and the author will be informed about it.


If manuscript is outside the aims and scope of the journal it is immediately rejected. Authors of manuscripts that have been rejected will be informed within two weeks of their receipt. Manuscripts may be rejected for the following reasons: if they are insufficiently original, have serious scientific flaws like plagiarism or if the manuscript is not suitable for publication for any other reason.


Before official publication, all authors will be able to check their papers online, and check for possible corrections.