References Guide
Instructions for Reference List
One author
Last Name, First Name. Year. Title. City: Publisher.
- Copland, Aaron. 1957. What to Listen For In Music. New York: McGraw-Hill.
- In text: (Copland 1957)
Two authors
Last Name, First Name and First Name Last Name. Year. Title. City: Publisher.
- Ward, Geoffrey C., and Ken Burns. 2007. The War: An Intimate History of the Second World War, 1941–1945. New York: Knopf.
- In text: (Geoffrey and Burns 2007)
Several authors
Last Name, First Name, First Name LastName and First Name Last Name. Title. City: Publisher.
- Johnson, N. G., Roberts, M. C., and Worell, J. (Eds.). 1999. Beyond appearance: A new look at adolescent girls. American Psychological Association.
- In text: (Johnson et al. 1999)
No author
Title. Year. Publisher.
- Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary 11th ed.. 2005. Merriam-Webster.
- In text: (Merriam-Webster 2005)
Chapter/article in refereced book
Last Name, First Name. Year. Title. In "Book Title, volume: pages", ed. First Name Last Name. City: Publisher.
- Lindgren, H. C. 1994. "Stereotyping". In Encyclopedia of psychology, 3: 468-469. Wiley.
- In text: (Lingren 1994, 468-469)
Last Name, First Name. Year. Title. Publisher. Accessed date. URL.
- Kurland, Philip B. and Ralph Lerner, eds. 1987. The Founders’ Constitution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Accessed February 28, 2010.
- In text: (Kurland et al. 1987)
One author
Last Name, First Name. Year. "Title." Journal Name, volume(issue): pages. [doi or url]
- Rebecchini, L. 2021. "Music, mental health, and immunity". Brain, behavior, & immunity - health, 18: 100374.
- In text: (Rebecchini 2021)
Multiple authors
Last Name, First Name, First Name Last Name and First Name Last Name. Year. "Title." Journal Name, Volume(Issue): pages. [doi or url]
- Thaut, M. H., G.P Kenyon, M. L. Schauer and G. C. McIntosh. 1999. "The connection between rhythmicity and brain function". IEEE engineering in medicine and biology magazine : the quarterly magazine of the Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, 18(2): 101–108.
- In text: (Thaut et al. 1999)
Last Name, First Name. Year. Title. [Accessed: date]. URL
- Ahmadi, S. 2018. Lesson plan: Filter bubbles. Digital Writing & Research Lab.
- In text: (Ahmadi 2018)
Conference paper
Last Name, First Name. Year. "Title." In Title of Published Proceedings: Subtitle of Conference, volume(issue): pages. URL
- Elgafy, A., and K. Lafdi. 2010. "Nanoparticles and fiber walls interactions during nanocomposites fabrication." In Journal of Scientific Conference Proceedings, 2(1): 15–23.
- In text: (Elgafy et al. 2010, 15-23)
Last Name, First Name. "Title." Encyclopedia. [Accessed date]. URL
- Hepkoksi, James. "Sibelius, Jean." Grove Music Online. Accessed January 3, 2005.
"Term." Encyclopedia Name. Accessed date. URL
- "Chivalry". Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed August 30, 2024.
- In text: Chivalry (Encyclopedia Britannica) or Chivalry